The day after Earth Day on Sunday, April 21st, from 10am-12pm, Arts Alive Arts Ambassadors are invited to The Sustainability Project, nestled in the Emerson Brook Forest in Gilsum. There, Executive Director Valerie Piedmont is in the process of developing the Project's 1200 sq ft, off-grid, solar-powered, multi-purpose educational and community center. Ambassadors are invited to glimpse into her vision for the building as displaying a rotating gallery of local art, joining the arts to an initiative focused on edible forest gardening, permaculture design, and sustainable community practices.

Turtle Rock in Spring

We'll meet at Valerie's cozy home and bed & breakfast at 26 Emerson Brook Drive, where she currently displays a large collection of clay sculptures. Valerie is currently in the process of transitioning these sculptures from the bed & breakfast to The Sustainability Project's new building up the road. During our meetup, ambassadors will hear about the collection and the artist during a short tour and choose a sculpture that is meaningful to them in some way to bring to the new building. See and participate in a new arts-loving, community-centered space in the making!

Tea/coffee and fruit will be provided, and ambassadors are invited to get lunch together afterwards to discuss the event. Driveway space is limited, so we will organize carpooling!