join our board!


want to support arts in our region?

Arts Alive seeks board members with a passion for the arts, the ability to provide financial oversight, and the willingness to help us meet our mission of creating an equitable and sustainable arts landscape in the Monadnock region.

We are currently seeking to fill a few seats on our board, including the role of Board Treasurer.


Arts Alive seeks candidates for nomination to the board of directors who have a passion for developing a thriving arts landscape in the Monadnock Region through Arts Alive, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides education, advocacy, community, and technical assistance to artists and arts organizations across the region. While each board member will contribute a unique set of time, talent, and treasure to the organization, we are committed to make board service accessible for all who want to take a leadership role in our organization.

Time Commitment

The time commitment is 6-10 hours per month. The Arts Alive board meets monthly to provide financial oversight, discuss program effectiveness, engage in promoting the organization to donors and the community at large, and determine long-range plans for the organization. Meetings are generally 90 minutes long and the year’s meeting times are determined in January of each year based on a board survey. Board assignments between meetings include reading the meeting materials, preparing for board discussion, outreach to the community on behalf of Arts Alive, and attending events. Every board member must also serve on at least one working committee to support governance, development, and marketing. We call these committees “Big Stuff,” “Talk it Up,” and “Behind the Screens.”


The board is responsible to ensure Arts Alive is a legally functioning 501(c)3. This means tracking its mission impact by adopting long-term strategic plans and tracking the organization’s progress on those plans, abiding by and updating bylaws and policies, and making sure legal statutes are followed. This is all about legal and ethical integrity, and maintaining accountability and transparency to members, funders, donors, other constituents and the general public. The other elements that fall under governance include monitoring the performance of the Executive Director, guiding the culture and values of the organization, and ensuring the organization has the structural capacity to undertake its goals.

Finances and Fundraising

The board is responsible to ensure Arts Alive is a sustainably functioning business. This means making a financial contribution to the organization every year, and participating in outreach to past and potential donors to build awareness of and appreciation for Arts Alive. Board members regularly review treasurer’s reports, approve an annual budget, and consider approval of funding new programs and capital purchases.


Lets set up a time to talk

Recruitment happens year round. At our initial meeting, we’ll chat informally about Arts Alive and what its like to be on the board. If its of interest, you can visit a board meeting. If you enjoy the culture of our board, you can meet with the ED and Board Chair to review the formal job description and expectations of board members. If you decide it is something you would like to commit to, you can send your bio to the board for their nomination and appointment. It is an intentional process to bring people on to our board and it creates a really solid team!