The arts book

The Discover Monadnock Arts Book is a publication for those who would like to discover local art, culture and hand-made goods in the Monadnock region. It introduces tourists and locals to traditions, venues, artists, and cultural experiences that happen uniquely here! The Arts Book will include stories about arts in our region, how to find them, what are the hot venues, and more.

Advertising opportunities for this year’s print and digital versions are available! We have set prices to make this opportunity accessible to a variety of businesses that would like to participate AND support the arts.

Contact Pam Wilder:

603-903-4228 or

10,000 copies will be distributed at tourist destinations across New England and the book will be available for download on the Discover Monadnock website, which gets tens of thousands of visitors each year. The booklet will be distributed at welcome centers, airports, realtors offices, hotels and B&Bs, tourist information centers and attractions, as well as arts venues and events across the region.

Example Advertising Pages: