Artist Spotlight: Dominique Boutaud

This month, we're pleased to spotlight artist, Dominique

Boutaud. Please enjoy!

Abstract oil Artist/ Painter, Dominique Boutaud was

born and raised in Nice, France. Since herchildhood she

has always been involved in creative works of all

kinds,beginning with drawings which she often made in

the company of her father. Inher life and through her

painting, she gained technical familiarity withexpressive

works in many medias. Shemoved to USA in 1996 and

has continued to develop herartistic talent ever since.

She has done exhibits around the world from USA,

Spain, Monaco,France, Germany, Switzerland, to China,

Japan and Italy and has become aninternationally

recognized artist. She has won manyawards from many

different countries. Among them are the Gold Canvas

award fromFrance, Academical Knight from Italy,

Excellent Art Prize from Japan, Masterfrom New York,

Trophy of Peace and recently; Apollo, Francesco il frate diAssisi and Maestro d’Arte awards

from Italy.

1. Are you a collaborative artist?How so? How do you work with artists and arts

related organizations?

With my business, I have a gallery where I exhibitartists. I have a lot of experience as I have

exhibited in manycountries starting more than 25 years ago and have seen

somany different artworks and talking with many VIP people in the artconnection. So I

honestly feel I have enough experiences to give unique, constructive advice to artists.

The Gallery offers a unique proven method and expertisein assisting people to get in touch

with their creative side, by helping themto be able to develop their own self.

2. What is your vision for the arts in the Regionand the surrounding regions? And,

NH/VT for that matter?! How will you work tomake that happen?

Creativity is the most important part in an artist.When artists find in themselves this truth,

they are ready to create new andunique artwork. When they reach the realm of creativity, they

find peaceand well being.

Creativity is an inner part of ourselves and it doesn'tinvolve technicality, or special classes,

expensive tools. It is a giftthat people receive in their life. The creative process is inside the

personshowing the depth of the creative humankind in its pure beauty. Creativity is arespect

of life, mother nature as well as human rights.

In NH and Vermont, artists are looking for newpossibilities, new freedom. A lot of them are

already here but many of them arelooking to get their creative freedom with no negative

thoughts, judgement,shame, or money involved. The purity of creativity is in the soul. NH

and Vermont are places where the colors are beautifuland the nature deeply present in the

people daily life. Here people have thecuriosity to create something different and give a

message to the public tothink about society and rights.

Some of Dominique's art can be viewed currently at the Offices at Depot Square in

Peterborough, NH. Visit her website for photos of her gallery and more information.

Dominique's Other Interests:

She is also a passionatesupporter of those with dementia, and took many health and art

workshops in NewHampshire as well as university training at The Creative Center at

UniversitySettlement in New York and Opening Minds Through Art (OMA) in Oxford, Ohio,

tobecome a Certified Dementia Practitioner. In May 2016, she decided to

openHealinginColor LLC, to use the visual arts as creative therapy to help those with

dementia as wellas their caregivers. "Creativityis extremely important for the elderly,

particularly for those with dementiawho need to be recognized, respected, and believed", she


"Opportunities to engage increative activities lead to a decrease in the behavioral and

psychologicalsymptoms of dementia and positively impact the quality of life for

thosesuffering from dementia. When sufferers of dementia who are paired withvolunteers

engage in activities related to abstract art, they feel a sense offreedom, independence, well-
being, and joy."

"There is no limit to the positiveimpact of abstract art, with spontaneity, freedom, and

endless possibilities tocreate with no specific rules, using different materials, textures, and

colorsfor expression." Art classes are given in nursing homes, healthcare facilities,senior

centers, and private homes and are offered both individually and ingroups. For more

information, email: