Tools for Building your Marketing Network

Marketing is about personal relationships, and expanding them to sell your work. But, there are some basics to invest your time in to find success in networked marketing.


It can be utilitarian or a way to express yourself and your vision. Consider including the following content:
1. Your gallery or portfolio
2. Your artist statement or "About the Art"
3. Your bio or "About the Artist" / Your resume or CV. 
4. Your contact information
5. Additional Written Content
6. Social media links
Additional: Prices and ordering information for potential buyers, Links to your artist community’s websites

Helpful Hints: Easy websites can be made on Wix, SquareSpace, Weebly, GoDaddy, Moonfruit. Costs range from $1-20 per month. Choose a plan that does not include outside advertising for others to place ads on your site, and that the site can be used on mobile devices. When you design it, think of it as a gallery experience for the visitor. Cultivate it like a show, not a yard sale. Visitors are there to see your work, learn about you, and get in touch. Inspire them!


Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Blog, LinkedIn, YouTube, Vimeo
Make sure your accounts connect back to your website.

Helpful Hint: Social media is not a venue to post exclusively about events you are doing. Post on your social media pages what you think your social circle would like to hear - would you like a friend who only talked about his/her upcoming shows? No! Compliment and share friends’ work, share feel-good memes, share videos that inspire you, and share stories about your process.


Receptions, Open studios, Festivals, Farmer’s Markets, Volunteer events connected to your art, Offering workshops in your areas of expertise

Helpful Hints: Bring a giveaway - from a businesscard or postcard to a pen to a cheesy stress ball. Let them have something to remember you by, and a way to get in touch. Also find a way to capture information from people you engage with, or who attend your event. That way you can stay in touch with them. Add them to your mailing list or invite them to come see you again!


Press release - Any news, but just the facts (and quotes) please
Photo release - A photo with a short accompanying news paragraph
Media advisory - An alert to the press that they should attend a certain event, must include day, time, place, and media contact

Helpful Hint: Meet a reporter, or call them to establish a relationship before you just start sending press releases. Calling someone out of the blue freaks you out? Make sure you read a few of their stories, know what they have written about, and how they've written about it. Then, call them to pitch a story about you or your business. You could even ask a friend, mentor, or advisor to do so on your behalf. Begin your relationship with the media in a personal way.