Elevate the Arts Fest seeks partners!

a Call out to artists, volunteers, sponsors, and creative minds!

Arts Alive is planning an awesome festival called Elevate the Arts in Downtown Keene!

At the event, we will be providing a fun atmosphere filled with live music, hands on arts activities, games, A BIG raffle, food trucks, drink vendors, and good people. This is a free event but we are asking for donations, and we will be having a GIANT raffle (looking for about 50+ items). The event will be downtown, accessible, and we expect foot traffic! Monadnock Radio Group will be doing a live broadcast and we hope you’ll come join us!


Email Georgia (fpamonadnock@gmail.com) to get on our volunteer list to help out the day of the event. We need folks from 10am-6pm! or sign up below!


We’d love your partnership and support to put on this great accessible arts festival that gives visibility and opportunity to creative businesses in our region, and helps sustain the nonprofit that supports them! There are opportunities starting at $250.

If you’d prefer, we are also seeking partners in downtown Keene the day of the event to commit to donating a modest percentage of sales for the day to Arts Alive because we know that arts events spur spending in local economies. We’ll give our partners a shout out on the day of the event and encourage folks to take a wander around town while they’re attending the festival.


Bring along your instrument and plug in! We have 10 minute music spots open to community members who would like to share their sound at our festival! You must sign up in advance, though to claim your spot!


We had over 30 artists in 2023 and are hoping for a grand showing of all the great arts in our region. Artists must sell your own original artwork or that of your collective. Georgia Cassimatis (fpamonadnock@gmail.com) is happy to answer any questions you may have. Email her to confirm your participation. Include your name, contact info, and what type of product you’d like to share. (see below for details)


  • Cost to vend/participate: 1 item to raffle and a sliding scale of $25-$500 (We will accept any amount to support our fundraiser!)

  • BYO Table/Chairs/Tent

  • Carry in your own gear - Carry out everything you bring

  • If you bring a 10x10 tent, you need weighted corners

  • There is no rain date scheduled 

  • Unloading/Loading will happen 1 hour prior and after the event times - 11-12 and 4-5pm

  • Please plan to stay the entire time