Arts Alive presents a monthly field trip series for artists, musicians, and creatives to meet, connect, and explore nearby resources - from makerspaces to performance venues. There will be four field trips, each on the last Friday or Saturday of the month, from January to April.
The first will take place on Friday, January 27th from 10:30am-1:00pm at the Muse Gallery and Ceramics Center in Dublin. Arts Alive, in partnership with these organizations, will be offering an exploration of these new spaces for local artists including tours and a demonstration.
Roy Schlieben at The Ceramics Center, Dublin New Hampshire
Participants will socialize over late morning coffee and pastries (courtesy of Keene’s Prime Roast) before being guided through the Muse Gallery and Ceramics Center by representatives from each respective organization. Artists will learn about how each entity operates and the resources they have to offer. Molly McDowell of the Muse Gallery will introduce the space, give a tour, and be available to answer questions. Participants will then walk over to the nearby Ceramics Center where the director of the Center’s parent entity, MAXT Makerspace, Roy Schlieben (and/or company) will greet guests, give a tour, and provide a demonstration for the group to observe.
The following field trip will introduce the group of artists at 17Rox Artist Studios and the Keene Public Library’s rentable event spaces and makerspace equipment at 10:30am on Saturday, February 25th. Following trips will delve into Jaffrey’s overlooked gems: the Civic Center and the Park Theatre, as well as a collection of visual and performing arts spaces in Brattleboro, VT.
Respondents to a survey Arts Alive released in November 2022 highlighted desires in the artist community to network, build skills, learn about creative businesses, and discover new tools, techniques, and available resources.
Responses to the question As an artist, what worries or challenges you the most when it comes to your business or creative practice? include:
“Learning about local opportunities and getting to be apart [sic] of the community”
“I am missing being part of a community.”
“I’m new to New Hampshire & need to develop a network…”
“Finding venues.”
“Being able to connect in a mutually beneficial way with supporters of the arts.”
“Feeling stuck in terms of productivity and creativity as an artist.”
Field Trips are free and open to the public. For information about accessibility, please call 603-283-0944 or email To register for the event and future trips, visit
Arts Alive is supported in part by National Endowment for the Arts, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, New Hampshire State Council on the Arts, and this program is supported by a generous gift from C & S Wholesale Grocers.
About Arts Alive
Arts Alive is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization working to sustain, promote and expand access to arts and cultural resources in the Monadnock Region. Arts and culture are community assets that enhance financial strength, health and wellness, and social capital in the communities where they are supported. Arts Alive is comprised of a broad range of arts and cultural organizations — museums, acting troupes, musical organizations, theaters, galleries — that share a common goal: to enhance arts and culture in the region.
About DublinArts & Muse Gallery
The new and renovated visual and performing arts center Muse Gallery opened in August ‘22. In addition to displaying exhibits of artwork by local artists, Muse has hosted various events from live music to readings and theater performances.
About the Ceramics Center
Now open, MAXT Makerspace and the local ceramics community have collaborated to create a new Ceramic Center located at 1283 Main Street, Dublin NH (Dublin Village Park). The Ceramic Center provides classes from our region’s leading instructors geared to all abilities and interests, from youth oriented classes to advanced throwing classes.